Veterans Bereavement Support is a community-based organisation providing free advice and information for all those who have served or have served in the Armed Forces and Merchant Navy over the years.
We also support the Emergency Services Family.
We also provide ongoing bereavement care for families and friends of those who have served and who struggle with the passing of someone special. We are run by a small team of dedicated volunteers who give their time, skills, and talents for the benefit of others. No one here is paid – everyone volunteers their time, skills and talents to help others. We have been acknowledged for our services and have worked with many veterans and their families over the past three years.  Our services are provided free of charge
Veterans Bereavement is a totally independent organisation. We are here for veterans and their families throughout the year as we have been since 2014.  We chose not to be formally connected to any ex-service organisation as we believe in independence. We put people before politics every time.