Who runs Frontline?
Frontline was designed by Uttlesford Citizens Advice, but it is really a large community project where organisations and services sign up to improve people’s knowledge and access to local services. Frontline in Essex is funded by Mid and South Essex ICB, Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB and Essex County Council. Staff employed and volunteering for Frontline Referrals help to run the services.
Can I contact someone about Frontline?
Please send all questions, complaints or comments to [email protected] or call 01799 618855. Emails will be responded to within 10 days.
What if I have a family member or know someone who would find Frontline helpful, but they have no access to the internet?
If you know of someone who cannot access the internet and they need help finding a local service – the Essex Wellbeing Service is available from 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 12pm Saturday on 0300 303 9988.