The Warm and Toasty Club is a unique life-affirming intergenerational community group working in music, arts and history with people over 60 and in supporting young emerging music artists.
​We are based in Colchester, Essex.
A good way to see our latest work is via our Facebook page.
​Pre Covid-19 we held weekly memory afternoons for people over 60 which are engaging and entertaining people centred afternoons with live entertainment – we chat, we laugh, we drink tea and eat biscuits and have a real great time revelling in the stories from everyone’s past (including our own), before being dazzled by lovely singers and dancers.
We also work with the finest emerging contemporary music artists by supporting them in developing their creative music making careers and work and showcase them at Memory afternoons and our live variety shows.
We now hold Online Memory Afternoons which are live on Facebook every Friday @ 1pm
Do join us for chat, live music and general fun and frolics.