TheHub@TheMegacentre is a new community resilience Hub established to support all of our community across both Rochford and Castle Point Districts.
What is a Community Resilience Hub?
Community Resilience Hubs bring together a range of services, including those provided by the public sector, private/voluntary organisations and community groups, allowing people to access the support and advice they need more quickly and more conveniently than ever before.
We know our community is stronger through our partnerships. We want to facilitate partners to work together and independently. Partners that choose to base themselves here or to become a partner in TheHub will have use of the varied facilities in The Megacentre as well as access to shared resource, telephony and internet access and IT support, as well as the opportunity to connect and collaborate with each other to deliver more effective services to our community.
We want the Community Resilience Hub@TheMegaCentre to facilitate services to more effectively meet people’s needs, not to be the expert or to duplicate what’s available but to ensure people have the best support from the best placed organisation. We want to be a part of a community that can get help and more importantly help each other, to become active and resilient together through a shared community facility and resource. Our community is and will be stronger through our partnerships.
What does this mean for Partner Organisations?
The opportunity to work together, delivering support, effectively, efficiently and in a variety of ways.
What does this mean for our Community?
Residents will have a “one stop shop” of advice, services, information, support and social activities in TheHub@TheMegaCentre, able to contact us in the first instance to access what they need.
What next?
If you are an organisation delivering services in Rochford or Castle Point and would like to know more about becoming a partner to join us in caring for our community, please do get in touch – it would be great to meet you and show you around! If you are a resident who would like to know more – please get in touch as well!
Contact Julie Sawford
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01268 779999