Our services are offered across Essex (excluding Southend and Thurrock), with the exception of Inside Out which operates across Essex, Hertfordshire and Norfolk.
Safe in Essex: Safe in Essex provides information, early intervention and support to young people aged 8 – 19 years who are identified as at risk of, or already engaging in, low-level risky behaviour. We offer both 1-1 and group work sessions (please be advised that currently the 1-1s are being held by Kids Inspire and are sent to them as indicated on the 1-1 referral form). We cover topics such as E-safety, healthy relationships, resilience, anger management, exam stress etc. and general risk taking behaviour and we do this by conducting 6 group work sessions, usually held within the school. We cannot work with anyone who has had involvement from statutory or specialist services (for example Social Services, Family Solutions, EWMHS, long term counselling etc.) or for whom the need is deemed too high for early intervention support and the young person requires a more specialist, more long term, support.
CARE: The CARE team support young people on a one to one and group work basis around all forms of exploitation. This includes sexual, criminal and labour exploitation. The current criteria is that we can work with anyone aged 8-24 years, that they reside in Essex (excluding Southend and Thurrock), that they are medium to high risk and that they are unwilling or unable to engage with statutory services (Social Care etc.). CARE is unable to meet all young people at risk of exploitation in Essex, we therefore aim to only meet with those for whom statutory services cannot engage. This can be for a multitude of reasons, so please state on the referral form how the young person referred meets this criteria. This does not mean young people cannot have a social worker, only that they are not currently engaging with them.
Essex Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service – All Age recovery Co-ordination Service: If you are worried or concerned about a child, young person or young adult who is 24 or under and lives in New Essex, then EYPDAS is here for you. We provide a wide range of drug and alcohol help and treatment for young people in Essex, including one to one support, group work, family support and telephone and on line support. EYPDAS works across the county of New Essex (excluding Southend and Thurrock). Our staff are based in Satellite premises in North, Mid, South and West Essex, but can also offer young people (under 18) appointments in their own locality in venues that they feel comfortable in and at times suitable to them. We work in Partnership with local authorities, schools, social care, youth offending teams, health professionals and other support agencies; to provide a range of services. We help young people and young adults in crisis, working with them in their communities, to offer a range of structured interventions including individual / group support and case managed recovery co-ordination plans in partnership with appropriate agencies.
Choices Family Support: Parents/grandparent/family of people misusing substances/alcohol. Support offered includes 1:1 support and a Group programme (7 week programme).
CHHAT (Community Hidden Harm Awareness Team): Children and YP affected by parental/carer substance/alcohol misuse. Support offered following assessment includes One to one support, Group work, Activity days and Liaising with professionals. The referral criteria are:
- Age 8 – 19 years (will work up to age 25 if identified SEN needs)
- County wide (except Southend and Thurrock)
- Young people affected by parental substance misuse
- We can also work with young people where there is historic parental substance misuse.
- The young person themselves must be aware of referral and consent to support around Hidden harm
- If a young person is using substances themselves then please refer to EYPDAS
Inside Out: Intensive work/ coaching with Young People who are a Child Looked After by Essex, Hertfordshire and Norfolk, and will have had multiple placement moves and multiple vulnerabilities. Children must be 14.5 years of age to 17.5 years of age and can only be referred by the child social worker via Kate Bonner (Essex LA ART team), Alex Costello (Herts Brokerage Team), Donna Elson (Norfolk ART team).