What we do
We are an independent charity supporting thousands of people who experience tinnitus and advise medical professionals from across the world. We are the primary source of support and information for people with tinnitus in the UK, facilitating an improved quality of life. We aim to encourage prevention through our educational programme and to seek effective treatment for tinnitus through a medical research programme.
We seek to provide the most appropriate and expert advice and information free of charge via our confidential freephone helpline on 0800 018 0527.
Chelmsford Tinnitus Support Group
A tinnitus support group for people live in or near Chelmsford
Where the group meets
Due to Covid restrictions, the group is currently meeting online. Get in touch to find out how to join!
When the group meets
Every 3 months on the following Saturdays, 10am – 12noon
How to find out more
Contact Clare on [email protected]
Or phone the BTA on 0800 018 0527