Anyone can join the Royal British Legion, not just ex-servicemen but as an organisation it offers support to any ex-service personnel who require it. This can be direct help with money or items required and the Legion also runs a number of properties that offer exserviceman holiday accommodation and care homes for longer stays.
Each year the Legion collects money for the Poppy Appeal, the main thrust in late October early November, Saffron Walden Branch collected over £28,000 last year from street collections, road collections, collection tins in pubs and shops as well as stalls and promotions, the main static collection points are outside the Town Hall and the three supermarkets in the Town.
The Branch is always looking for new members and membership is at present £17 a year and youth members can join for £5 for the whole period from when they join to their 18th Birthday. People can also help by volunteering to assist with the Poppy Appeal, the Poppy Appeal organisers are always looking for street collectors.
The Branch meets every third Tuesday in the Saffron Walden Bowls Club which is also the Branch Headquarters and as well as the official business that I have described we like to arrange trips, usually on Sundays in summer to places of Interest like London, the National Remembrance Arboretum etc.