In an attempt to address the lack of a standardised approach to healthcare for Children and Young People (CYP) with type 1 diabetes, 10 regional CYP diabetes networks were set up with support from NHS Diabetes in 2010 and recently has been joined by the Wales CYP Diabetes Network. These networks together form the National CYP Diabetes Network to share good practice and maintain high quality standards.
Working in conjunction with the Department of Health, the National CYP Diabetes Network has recognised the need to develop a five-year National Paediatric Diabetes Service Improvement Delivery Plan to help improve outcomes and the quality and safety of care.
Achievements so far include assisting the development of the 13 Care Standards set out in the Best Practice Tariff and to develop the National Peer Review Quality Assurance Programme. A patient/parent/carer reference group has also been set up under the name Families with Diabetes National Network.