Covid-19 – hopefully reopening end of June 2021 – please call for more info
Our task is to provide a place for men from all walks of life to meet and socialise.
The shed is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00 am to 13:00 pm
Men’s Shed started in Australia to give a focal point to men who were not in employment and/or not socialising often with working at home, as sole traders or retired.  It was found that men talk better when doing something, comparing skills or suggestions as to finding solutions to situations. Men talk shoulder to shoulder where women talk eye to eye. By giving an opportunity for men to have a practical base, they are more inclined to share skills, talk about ‘men’s things’ e.g. football, cars, the price of timber and voice opinions on political or current affairs issues.
The most important factor is that they have a reason to get out of the house and somewhere specific to go and to interact, to have banter with other men.
The centre of operation is tea or coffee – the kettle. The start of any working day. From there we expect to be ‘doing things’, sometimes for personal satisfaction for the home e.g. build a planter for the garden or be making something for the community e.g. hedgehog houses for the council environment group.