Free Wi-Fi, Device Charging, Advice, People to chat to, Space to work, Food/Drink for sale, various activities and groups
Warm Spaces
Warm, welcoming cafe area with plenty of space to meet in groups (just to chat or for an arranged activity), or to sit at a table or on a sofa with a friend – good coffee, teas,
hot chocolate and cake all day, light lunches between 11am and 2pm. There are also rooms to hire for meetings, events and activities. Plenty of free parking. Lift and stairlift up to our 1st floor facilities.
Additional Services offered: There are cafe chaplains on site Monday to Thursday, and other organisations regularly use the rooms here, such as Precious Bundles Baby Bank, HomeStart, Action for Hearing Loss, Hearing Support Group and Pain Management Coffee Mornings.
Cost: There is no charge to come and sit in the cafe area for as long as you like – hot and cold drinks and food from the cafe are sold at very reasonable prices.
Opening Times:
Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm (open until later but not for hot drinks)
Saturday 9am-4pm
Sunday 9am-1pm for church services