The Community Centre is situated in the heart of Brooklands overlooking the sea. The upstairs room has an unrivalled view of the ocean and is ideal for groups, meetings and workshops. All booking have use of the fully functioning kitchen.
The main hall already has regular groups during the day and the Committee is always open to new ideas for anything new. The main hall can be hired for one off events.
Below is a list of activities that go on at the Centre. For days/ times please pop in or ring.
- Toddler Group
- Bingo
- Writing Group
- Bereavement & Friendship cafe
- Provide (Lifestyle) Yoga
- Church Group
- Knit and Natter
- Lunch Club  must be pre booked
- Crafty Ladies
- Computer Club
- Line Dancing
- My weight Matters
- Carpet Bowls
- Heal in Motion ( Tia Chi)
- Live in Hope Church
- COPD Clinic