Promoting creativity and empowerment, InterAct is dedicated to:
- Improving skills, opportunities & social networks for children, young people and young adults with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), particularly learning disabilities/difficulties and autism. We achieve this through programmes of group activities in term-time & holiday periods, in Mid & North-East Essex, covering the 8-14, 15-18 and 19-25 age ranges. Please see our website for registration details, and to download our current activity programmes.
- Delivery of training programmes & courses focusing on emotional & mental health & wellbeing in locations across Essex. Courses include: Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), Youth MHFA, Resilience & Wellbeing Workshops, and Suicide Preventative & Postvention Training. [Please note, for some courses a small contribution towards the costs of resources is required]
- Other training (by arrangement with other organisations) including Disability Awareness, and Safeguarding Children & Young People with Disabilities.
Please refer to our website for further details