Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) is an Essex-wide training package that teaches the families and carers of adults with learning disabilities how to use a variety of different forms of communication. This helps those with learning disabilities to understand and be understood, and become fully involved in their life plans by taking their communication needs into account.
There is also a project to develop a process for people who work with children and young people who have learning disabilities.
For adults with learning disabilities
We have developed inclusive communication at specific sites, such as care homes or resource centres. These are known as ICE sites. The staff at the ICE site are trained in inclusive communication methods, and one member of the staff is chosen to be trained as an ICE Coordinator. The ICE Coordinator coordinates development of inclusive communication at the site, and provides some training to new staff. Ongoing support is provided by Speech and Language Therapy services.
A training package has also been developed to train those that come into contact with people with a learning disability in Essex who are not within an ICE site.