The Herts & Essex Boundary Flower club (Bishop’s Stortford) meets each month,except January, at MANUDEN COMMUNITY CENTRE, DAVID COLLINS DRIVE, MANUDEN, BISHOP’S STORTFORD, CM23 1EH on the 1st Tuesday of the month at. The club was founded in 1959 and has gone from strength to strength. 2019 we celebrated our Diamond anniversary.
Each month we invite talented demonstrators who delight the audience as they produce splendid floral displays. This is where the inspiration flows and their latest skills and techniques are passed on for everyone to enjoy. At the end of the demonstration these designs are raffled to raise funds for the club ~ it’s such a delight to win.
Light Refreshments are provided during an intermission giving our members and guests the chance to socialize
Our club is affiliated to NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies)Â