The Forget-Me-Not Support Group was founded in 1992, when one of our founders, Karla, sadly lost her baby Grace- Ellen at 23+5 weeks. The support that Karla had so desperately needed, was unfortunately not there. Karla’s Bereavement Midwife, Jenny Burton (who is sadly no longer with us) had decided that she wanted to open a room at Basildon Hospital specifically for the parents who had lost their babies at birth, but the hospital didn’t have the funding to do so. With that, Karla, her family and friends raised the money for the Forget me Not suite at Basildon Hospital. Soon afterwards the Forget-Me-Not Group began. 30 years later, we also have a beautiful garden for bereaved parents and their angel babies, weekly meetings for talking and support, and an annual, poignant memorial service, where a dove release is held. The charity continues to work tirelessly every day to support families that have all experienced the same loss.