We have a small team available to help residents feel safer in their homes, by undertaking tasks such as installing key safes for secure carer access, handrails and making sure steps at entrances are level and safe. We want to reduce trips and falls, which can have a huge impact on a person’s wellbeing, as well as helping them to be better connected to the community through using digital equipment such as video doorbells and computer tablets to make calls, buy shopping and order repeat prescriptions.
What help is available?
Our handyman can come to your property and install a key safe, check that pathways are clean and clear, add grab rails at entrances and also conduct an in home fall assessment to look for other potential hazards – such as trailing wires, worn carpet, loose rugs, insecure stairs etc.
We also encourage residents to use the range of digital devices available such as video doorbells, voice controlled lights and computer tablets that can make video calls, book GP appointments, order shopping and place repeat prescription requests.
Safer at Home includes our popular “Green Matters” garden rescue service aimed at the vulnerable, elderly and disabled residents of Uttlesford who have lost control of their gardens.
We are recruiting neighbourhood volunteers to help with routine maintenance such as grass cutting, weeding, hedge trimming, but also have a specialist team who can help with larger tasks such as removing shrubs and hedges and repairing fences.
How to make a referral
To request help please make a referral through Uttlesford Frontline by clicking this link and then searching for “Safer at Home”
You can also download a flyer
Watch our “Green Matters” video below for a better understanding of how a simple thing like tidying someone’s garden can improve their mental health and wellbeing, and then if you would like to volunteer in your community please email us with you expression of interest to – [email protected]