Basildon Borough Neighbourhood Watch is the overarching organisation for local Neighbourhood Watch schemes/watches that have been set up in Basildon, Billericay, Wickford and other parts of the Borough.
Oversight is provided by a Steering Committee which represents them at Community Partnership meetings with Basildon Council, Essex Police and other such bodies. It also represents them at Essex County Executive level meetings and supports Community fundraising days to promote Basildon Neighbourhood Watch
The Steering Committee seeks financial support to pursue their objectives from any source deemed to be appropriate. The Steering Committee encourages the development of existing schemes and the creation of new schemes within the Borough by offering a support service for anyone wishing to set up a new Watch Scheme.
We are able to supply the necessary materials to set up new groups such as street signs and literature along with advice and guidance. Through the various “Watches” we actively encourage residents of the Borough to join free of charge their local watch scheme. We are also looking to substantially increase the number of schemes in certain of the Borough’s Wards which currently have little Neighbourhood Watch representation.
If you wish to know more about joining a scheme whether as a member or a Street Coordinator within the Basildon Borough please contact [email protected] or call 07814 739577.