Child maintenance is regular, reliable financial support that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs. The parent without the main day-to-day care of the child pays child maintenance to the other parent.
Child maintenance can make a real difference to children and give them the best start in life as it can help pay for things like clothing, food or other essentials. It could also help keep both parents involved with their children’s lives.
We’re here to help you work it out
At Child Maintenance Options, we provide impartial information and support to help both parents make informed choices about child maintenance.
The fact that we’re impartial means we are here to help both parents and we aren’t biased towards any one way of arranging child maintenance.
We’re here to help you:
- if you’re separating from the other parent or are not living with them and you need to set up a child maintenance arrangement.
- if you’re thinking of switching from an arrangement using the Child Support Agency (CSA) to a family-based arrangement, or the other way round
- if your child maintenance arrangement has broken down or is not working as you’d like it to.
When you live apart or separate from the other parent, you may have to deal with lots of different issues. Although we’re not experts in all these areas, we know they impact significantly on child maintenance and the child’s wellbeing. Read the information we’ve produced with help from specialist organisations.
Mon – Fri 8am  – 8pm
Sat – Â 9am – 4pm